Seigneury of Sault St. Louis consultations launched at Community Meeting

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) would like to inform the community that consultations on the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis land grievance will officially begin in early December. The announcement was made by Grand Chief Michael Ahríhron Delisle, Jr. at last night’s Fall Community Meeting. “As we get closer to reaching a settlement, we […]

SSSL Community Consultation Session – December 2

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]The first SSSL Community Consultation Session will take place on Tuesday, December 2nd at the Golden Age Club from 6:30pm until 9pm. Come have your say! Click image for details.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”779″ img_size=”medium” stretch_image=”false” image_position=”normal-align-right” has_link=”true” link_type=”image”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Seigneury of Sault St. Louis community consultations set to begin

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) wishes to announce that community consultations on the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis land grievance will officially begin on 2, Tsothóhrha/December 2014. Grand Chief Michael Ahríhron Delisle, Jr. will give a brief overview on the issue at the Tuesday, 18 Kentenhkó:wa/November Fall Community Meeting. “This is a significant step […]