This Kahnawà:ke Land Claims website aims to provide Kahnawa’kehró:non with information on the status of Kahnawà:ke’s various Specific Claims. Throughout our history, Kahnawà:ke has experienced tremendous losses of land that gave rise to legal grievances. The Specific Claims process is an avenue for addressing these historical wrong-doings and seeking resolution for these land losses.
Land is an issue that is of utmost importance to Kahnawa’kehró:non. It is crucial that all those concerned are kept abreast of what is happening to resolve some of these long-standing grievances. This website will serve as one of many tools the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) will use to keep the community informed about advancements in claims.
The Seigneury of Sault St. Louis (SSSL) Land Grievance is particularly important to Kahnawà:ke. As a result, in recent years, the MCK has focused its efforts on resolving this particular grievance in a way that reflects the community’s principles and values. As negotiations progress, the MCK recognizes the need to consult with the community to collect direction on issues concerning the claim. Therefore, it is highly encouraged that all Kahnawa’kehró:non are informed of the grievance and provide feedback about the negotiations. Reporting on the status of the SSSL Grievance and negotiations will be regularly updated on this website. As such, it is encouraged that you visit kahnawakeclaims.com regularly to stay informed.
As you become familiarized with the claims the MCK is working on, and questions or comments arise, you are welcome to submit questions or feedback through email, phone, or in person. Please visit the Contact Us section of this website for contact information.
Nia:wen Kowa, for your time and attention.

Recent News

Old Mill Site within the boundaries of the SSSL
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0:00 / 0:00 K1037 Partyline Talkshow – April 27., 2023
The Seigneury of Sault St. Louis (SSSL)
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Recent Video
SSSL British Regime
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SSSL French Regime
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SSSL Canadian Regime
On July 1st 1867, when the British North America act was past, it created the Country of Canada

Seigneury of Sault St. Louis

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